Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bedroom Windows

This is how the tenants left the room. They had broken 2 windows and replaced them with plywood and plastic.
Frank cleaning and replacing windows in bedroom.(Note the slanted floor. More later.)


affectioknit said...

I bet that made for a pretty gloomy bedroom...much better now I'm sure...



Karen said...

very nice - is that "Nanny's" bedroom - or the "scary" front bedroom that i hated sleeping in....i always wanted to sleep in the bed with Nanny even though her tummy rumbled and kept me awake (i'm sure for, like 3 minutes!!)....great memories you're invoking!!! love, k

Elizabeth said...

That is the "back" bedroom off the dining room. We stayed in there for a year after Eddie was born until we built our little house and Nanny was in the front room. She later moved into the back. MOM